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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!

My wife does too much already. I realize this sounds trite or insincere, but she really does. We have a teen at home, her daughter and my step-daughter, in addition to a 2nd-grader endowed with spirit and personality plus. Then, she has her "third child," viz. me. She works full-time in a demanding, frustrating job and then comes home to homework papers, teen drama, and me. I have a severe, degenerative back condition that led to my early retirement at 44. Although the daughter is usually helpful around the house, she also has schoolwork and her own chores to attend.

Earlier today my wife was heading outside with the little one to hang Christmas decorations when she landed awkwardly on her right ankle. I was awakened by my youngest telling me, "Dad, mom twisted her ankle." It took me a moment to digest what he was saying because I was in bed with ice packs on my very, very sore lower back, the result of two days of medical appointments and running a few errands. Then I could hear my wife crying in pain. Even though we've been married almost nine years, I still have those deep, giddy feelings of disbelief that my wife is the beautiful person who loves me back. Corny, saccharine, whatever, I sobered up very quickly and dispatched my son back to mom to tell her I'd be there in a second.

The second I saw the egg-sized lump on the outside of her ankle, I knew she needed an x-ray and professional medical advice. I've incurred several serious ankle injuries through the years including a Grade III sprain when I was at language school in San Francisco in 1984. I got little one to help me make an ice hour and a half later, we were returning to the house with the diagnosis, confirmed by x-ray, of stretched and torn ligaments as well as a chip fracture of the underside of the lateral malleolus. Now, we're hurting for real. The linchpin that holds the whole thing together is out of action for the foreseeable future. 

Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas!


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